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Better rock fragmentation

The technique of air decks is currently used in many open pit blasting operations around the world. Studies have demostrated  that with the creation of an air deck between the explosive column and the stemming in the blasthole, the effect is similar as in a clogged artillery cannon, considerably increasing the internal pressures of the hole generated by the explosion.








PARAPLUG® is ideal for creating air decks accurately at any depth of the hole. Its conical shape also creates a wedge effect that directs a significant part of the energy towards the walls of the borehole instead of upwards, so that it improves fragmentation even when using less explosive.


Reduction or elimination of overdrilling

PARAPLUG® can be used at the bottom of the hole to eliminate overdrilling, achieving similar results in terms of rock stability, uniformity and fragmentation.


This can result in savings close to 14% in meters drilled with the consequent reduction in costs.


Significant explosive savings


PARAPLUG® achieves significant savings in the amount of explosive used while maintaining or even improving the fragmentation of the rock.

Depending on the characteristics of the rock, at least savings of 10% of the explosive normally consumed can be achieved.


Our customers have reported savings of up to 33% in the amount of explosive used compared to blastings without air decks

mineros que trabajan


Increased productivity due to faster loading cycles: less drilling and less explosives.

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