Paraplug® can be used in almost any open pit blasting application. Its self-supporting design allows the device to be placed with great precision in any type of rock and borehole condition.
Dry hole blasting
Collar zone Air-Deck with Paraplug®
Minimizing subdrilling with Paraplug®
Multi-level air decks blasting with Paraplug®
Mineral Layer Protection
Mineral layer protection with Paraplug®
Mineral layer protection and Top Air Deck with Paraplug®
Multi-level air decks with Mineral Layer Protection using Paraplug®
Blasting in a zone with Caverns
Cavern cover using Paraplug®
Cavern covering and top Air Deck using Paraplug®
Top and bottom AirDecks and cavern covering using Paraplug®
Blasting in flooded boreholes
Paraplug® is submersible without the use of any tools
Plugging Flooded Holes with Paraplug®
Multi-level flooded wells plugging with Paraplug®
Mineral layer protection in flooded borehole using Paraplug®